November 28, 2023
Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson

Widespread rain will push into the region Thursday and Thursday night. The rain is going to linger into Friday. I am forecasting a widespread 0.70″ to 1.40″. Locally higher totals are possible.

I can’t rule out isolated lightning strikes, but the risk is low. We are not forecasting severe thunderstorms.

Here is the NAM 3K model future-cast radar. What radar might look like as we push through Thursday. Rain chances ramp up as we move through the day.

This is in Zulu time. 00z=6 pm. 06z=12 am. 12z=6 am. 18z=12 pm.

Here is the latest WPC rainfall outlook. Take the general idea from this. The bulk of the rain will fall Thursday into Friday morning. Spotty showers are possible Friday afternoon and night.

Looking at some probability graphics. What is the chance of receiving 1.5″ or greater of rainfall? This is one models projection. Let’s see how it does.

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