Posted By Beau Dodson (NewsFirst) — Families On The Spectrum (FOTS) are gearing up for their 9th Annual Gala.

The Gala has a big impact on attendees, donors, and supporters.

The Gala will take place on May 11, 2024, at the beautiful Blooms n’ Gardens in Paducah, Kentucky. The event allows FOTS to continue to provide the resources needed to ensure the safety of children on the spectrum.

This year’s goal is to raise $20,000. This will be their largest goal to date, and with their growing community it is very much needed.

FOTS are currently looking for donated silent auction items and monetary donations that can help them reach their goal. Monetary donations will go toward items for their silent auction.

If you have an amazing item you would like to donate to be auctioned, then contact FOTS.

FOTS would like to thank everyone in advance for their contribution and support of the organization. Families On The Spectrum is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions will be tax deductible. Donation receipts will be promptly mailed to donors.

If you have any questions, please contact FOTS at

You may also visit their website at to see what their
organization does and how they help families.

If you would like to become a sponsor, please email FOTS at

FOTS will post your sponsorship on their website and on their Facebook page.

Visit their Facebook page at this link. Click here.

Their mailing address is

Families on the Spectrum
PO Box 3202
Paducah KY 42002

Families on the Spectrum focuses on the family aspect of Autism. Their board of directors is comprised of individuals with a link to autism who are truly passionate about helping others.

It is their group mission to provide support and community outreach for families affected by Autism. Their goal is to focus on families in hopes of building connections and lifelong bonds with other families in Western Kentucky.

Families on the Spectrum was founded in the Fall of 2013. The group was developed with the goals of providing fun family outings, meetings, parents’ nights out, and community support to families affected by Autism.

Their desire to help one another is why they offer meetings covering a wide range of helpful topics, fun family outings, parents’ nights out, and information regarding specialized community and professional support. Their goal is to help autism families connect with one another and with the support available in the region. 

Learning about different available therapies and where to find providers can be overwhelming. They are fortunate to have providers in our local area that offer Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy, ABA therapy, and more. Some do have wait lists so calling early is key. It is always a good idea to do research and make some calls to see who has openings and who might be a good fit for your child.

​They have big plans for the future of Families on the Spectrum and believe they can truly make a difference in advocating for individuals with Autism.

Since the group was formed, they have grown tremendously, and they are excited about the many events and trainings they have been able to provide and will continue to bring to their community.

There are expenses related to serving. They do strive to offer outings and activities to autism families, and to further update and educate their community partners alongside themselves.

They cannot offer these activities and services without support from generous sponsors. They love that the community stands behind them and allows them the opportunity to provide autism families much needed support and access to local resources.

What is autism? Here is more information. Click here.