Game Sponsor:
In Memory of the Men of Cunningham:
Joe Dale Davis
Wayne Deweese
Jimmy Fleming
Kent Hays
Kevin Hays
Walter Hays
Don Hook
Harry Huddleston
Jesse Hunt
Phillip Hunt
Jim Moore
Donnie Stinson
JD Teasley
Monroe Terry
Red Terry
@ Carlisle Co.
vs. Murray
VG and VB @ 6:00
Livestream from your computer use this link:…/57752/carlisle-county-high-school
Smart TV: Hudl fan app, search HS, then KY, then Carlisle Co.
Admission: $5.00
Carlisle County students are free thanks to our sponsor: In Memory of the Men of Cunningham
Frayne Burgess
Joe Dale Davis
Wayne Deweese
Jimmy Fleming
Kent Hays
Kevin Hays
Walter Hays
Don Hook
Harry Huddleston
Jesse Hunt
Phillip Hunt
Jim Moore
Donnie Stinson
JD Teasley
Monroe Terry