News First – As the new school year approaches, it’s crucial to prioritize safety when driving near schools. Here are some tips to help ensure the safety of students, parents, and staff:

  1. Slow Down: Always reduce your speed in school zones. Children can be unpredictable, and lower speeds give you more time to react.
  2. Obey Traffic Signals: Follow all traffic signs and signals, including speed limits, stop signs, and crosswalk indicators.
  3. Be Alert: Stay vigilant for children crossing the street, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Avoid distractions like using your phone while driving.
  4. Yield to Pedestrians: Always yield the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks. Be prepared to stop for children and crossing guards.
  5. Watch for Buses: Exercise caution around school buses. Stop when buses are loading or unloading children, and do not pass a bus with its stop sign extended.
  6. Follow School Drop-Off Procedures: Adhere to your school’s drop-off and pick-up procedures to ensure a smooth and safe process for everyone.
  7. Use Extra Caution in Bad Weather: Poor weather conditions can reduce visibility and increase stopping distances. Drive more cautiously during rain, snow, or fog.

By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to a safer environment for our children as they return to school.