Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson

Well, it is going to be a nice week. For the most part. That is the good news.

The bad news is that it will be dry and some of you desperately need rain. It has been over two weeks for some recording stations. Little or no rain. Others have had plenty of rain. Typical summer pattern. Feast or famine.

It will be cooler today through Thursday. Lower humidity levels will make it feel nice.

There will be a warming trend this coming weekend. Some locations will pop back to 90 degrees.

The long range actually shows a potential burst of heat as we move into the weekend and next week. Models have been showing a return to widespread 90s.

The GFS model goes hog wild with temperatures into the 100’s. I am skeptical about that. Temperatures in the nineties are much more likely.

The EC model shows nineties returning. This appears more sensible and likely.

As always, I will keep an eye on it.

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