Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson.

The weather will be amazing today and tomorrow. Nice temperatures and nice humidity levels. Enjoy it!

We are waking up to widespread 50s! There were even some 40s in southeast Missouri.

Here were the 6 am temperatures.

Temperatures will begin to warm this weekend into next week. As a matter of fact, some locations could hit 100 degrees early next week.

We will begin to feel the warm up Friday and it will intensity Saturday, Sunday, and into next week.

Unfortunately, it appears that the forecast will remain mostly dry through at least Monday.

There will be a weak disturbance moving through the region Saturday night. I did add a 20% chance of a shower or thunderstorm to the forecast.

Here is the EC model temperature forecast. You can see those nineties as we push into Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Summer isn’t finished with us.