MURRAY, KY (NEWS FIRST) – The Laker Champion for Kids award, bestowed monthly upon a Laker staff member demonstrating exceptional dedication to students and colleagues, has been conferred upon Lee, a bus driver serving morning and afternoon routes for students at East Calloway Elementary, Calloway County Middle School, and Calloway County High School.
Lee’s nomination emerged from widespread acclaim within the district, with multiple faculty and staff members extolling his virtues. Marsha Feldhaus, an East Elementary teacher, lauded Lee as “an awesome bus driver” and “an asset for all students,” citing his patience, kindness, and unwavering commitment to individual needs. Kali Simmons, the guidance counselor at East Elementary, echoed these sentiments, praising Lee’s steadfast support for students’ success and his remarkable composure in challenging situations.
Even Lee’s daughter, Laken Jones, a human resources assistant at the district’s central office, recognized his exceptional qualities, affirming that “it takes a special person to be a school bus driver,” and commending his selflessness and dedication to his role.
Lee’s exemplary service embodies the spirit of the Laker Champion for Kids award, reflecting a profound commitment to the well-being and success of the students he serves.