CALEONIA, Mo (News First) – This was a great first week of class for students and teachers at the Valley School District in Caledonia. Several projects are in the works on campus during the next two to three years thanks to the passage of Prop S back in April. District leaders have organized a plan to spend the 4.7 million dollars with three projects outlined. Project 1 mainly focuses on safety by adding new intercoms for the junior high and high school, a new district-wide bus radio system, implementation of the RAPTOR app for district emergencies, adding fencing around the elementary school playground, along with installing a new three-phase electrical system at the junior high and high school, new card readers instead of keys for doors and installing new three-phase HVAC units to the junior high and high school areas.  Superintendent Jason Samples says Project 2 will feature a big construction project.

Samples says Project 2 will also feature another improvement project.

Now Project 3 has not technically been approved yet. It will only happen if the Valley School District has enough funding left over after the first two projects are finished. Project 3 would see an expansion of the weight room, cafeteria and kitchen, renovation of the ag room, and renovation of the old gym stage and bleachers, along with a couple more improvement projects at the school in Caledonia.