Cooler weather next weekend.

Cooler weather next weekend.

Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson Hot hot hot. That will be the general rule today through next Thursday. Today will deliver widespread low 90s. We pop into the middle and upper 90s tomorrow through Wednesday. Some locations could hit 100 degrees on Monday and...
Hot temperatures return to the region.

Hot temperatures return to the region.

Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson Well, we knew the cool weather wasn’t going to last. It sure was nice! I enjoyed it. I hope you did, as well. Temperatures will begin to warm to near normal levels today. Mid to upper 80s. A few locations could hit 90 degrees....
Hot weather will return this weekend.

Hot weather will return this weekend.

Posted by meteorologist Beau Dodson Our nice weather is about to take a turn. Summer isn’t over. We woke up to temperatures in the 40s and 50s this morning. We will have another nice day ahead of us. Temperatures will rise back into the 90s this weekend and...

Heat returns this weekend into next week.

Posted by Meteorologist Beau Dodson. The weather will be amazing today and tomorrow. Nice temperatures and nice humidity levels. Enjoy it! We are waking up to widespread 50s! There were even some 40s in southeast Missouri. Here were the 6 am temperatures. Temperatures...